Portsmouth North End Time Trials returns
We will be running a tester event on Thursday 16th of July at 18:45 using the P829-6 course. Things will be run a little differently from normal with online entry mandatory and no HQ for sign on or results, but you will be able to see your results on this website shortly after the event. How will these event be run differently, with respect to Covid-19?
- Riders are not to go to the start line more than 4 min before their start time. That way there will not be more than 4 riders and a time keeper gathered in one place at one time.
- 2m markings between bikes will be chalked out on the road at the start line and at the number collection table to ensure riders are always at least 2 apart.
- There will be no Head Quarters, car park or toilet provided. Riders are advised to ride to the event or park in public spaces and make their way to the start line.
- Riders will collect their numbers from an unmanned table at the junction between shoot hill and common lane, about 50 m before the start, see image below. Once complete they will return the numbers to a bucket of soapy water next to the table. Alternatively riders may print their own number and bring it to the event (14cm number height and in bold font please).
- There will be no pusher at start line, riders will have to push off and clip in on their own.
- A marshal will be in a car at the start line and will time riders off.
- The time keeper will be in his car at the finish line to witness and the finish times from within his car.
- Registration and payments will be taken online. To do this you need to sign in to the website and click “enter event” in the top top menu.
- Results will be posted up online so there is no need for cyclists to congregate at the finish.
- Riders and marshals are asked not to attend if they or any member of their household have symptoms.
- If you start to feel ill while you are warming up please pull out of the event.
- The field is limited to 30 riders, so enter now to avoid disappointment!
The above is all inline with cycling time trials guidance. We intend to start running these fortnightly but we will see how the first one goes!